Daily Prayer

Daily Prayer Gathering

This is an opportunity to meet for prayer online from 9am - 9.25am, everyday.

It is for up to 100 people and hopefully that will work for our church communities.

Here’s the link to the meeting: https://zoom.us/j/757618106

You can access zoom via a smart phone, tablet or laptop. For each it’s best to download the app beforehand.

To setup:

Go to the link above on whichever device you’re going to use and it will prompt you to download and install the app.

To join gathering:

Once installed, go to the link above again and it will take you to the meeting.

It will ask you if you want to join using internet audio. Click yes to that.

You’ll probably also need to initiate turning your video on and your audio on too. Both of these are normally in the bottom left of the screen.

During the gathering:

In order to keep background noise to a minimum, please mute yourself when you join the gathering. This button is on the bottom left of the screen. When you want to pray just unmute and then return to mute afterwards.

If you are on a laptop, do click on Gallery View to see people who are there. This button is on the top right of the screen.

Controls for zoom are along the bottom of screen on a laptop and along the top for a tablet/iPad.