Sunday Service

Sunday 22nd March - Mothering Sunday


Good Morning & welcome all to our virtual Mothering Sunday Gathering

Please go to Saint Stephen’s Facebook Page to join Lee’s live stream at 10:30 am or click here to view the recording.

Vicar Lee will be leading the service this morning, if you would like to follow along with the liturgy please open the service booklet using the link below.

Our talk will be delivered by Alex, and is interactive. To get the most out of it, arrange to watch at the same time as others if you can, and be ready to text/ring/discuss the questions when prompted.

The LORD does not look at the things people look at. People look at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart.
— 1 Samuel 16.7

Prayer and Action

Usually on Mothering Sunday we have a tradition of gifting spring flowers. At Holy Trinity we had already purchased pots of polyanthas so our virtual floral gifts to you will be to plant these out in the flowerbed opposite the hall doors at Holy Trinity, as a celebration of all mothering and to provide some cheerful colour for the local community as they walk through our garden in the next few weeks.

There are prayers to pray together in the video talk, but please also be praying for and reaching out to those in the categories below. Mothering Sunday can already be quite a lonely day for some, let alone with these new times!

Floral Gifts with a Twist!
