Refurbishment of Saint Stephen’s Church

To commemorate the 400-year relationship between the Antient Society of St Stephen’s Ringers and Saint Stephen’s Church, the Hartnell Restoration Project was birthed and has been named after the late master Simon Hartnell who was the initial driving force in its conception. Historically, the church has been a place of worship and spiritual influence for many centuries in the old city of Bristol and this significant time in history has provided the opportunity for the Ringers to celebrate their relationship with Saint Stephen’s by financially supporting the project and working alongside the church team during the restoration.

Saint Stephen’s was closed for six months while the refurbishment took place to restore the interior to its former glory and making the space more suitable for purpose. This included the repairs and restoration of clerestory windows, new improved lighting, repairs and repainting of the baptistry dome (including gold leaf repainting of the dove), replacement of the north wall plaster, repairs to pillars and plaster carvings, renovation of the sanctuary tiled floor, cleaning and repairs to significant monuments and a complete redecoration. In addition, the Ecclesiastical Charity joined forces with the Ringers and financed the repair and cleaning of the Victorian tiled floor in the church aisles and the replacement of the old carpeting on the chancel floor and adjoining areas.

A huge thank you to Ringers and Colts, past and present, who have contributed their time, energy and finances to see the Hartnell Project come to fruition. Every year the Ringers celebrate this unique partnership with a May Day service and annual service in November. This year will be a wonderful opportunity for members and partners to attend the annual service and view the restoration work first hand.

Below is a collection of photos showing the progress of restoration work from conception to completion.