Vicar's Blog

Reflection - 24th March

‘Okay… let me just take a moment… I need to process this.’

We are all learning a new vocabulary at the moment or sharing words that most of us rarely use; lockdown, social distancing, PPE, self-isolation, COVID-19, Coronavirus amongst others. We have also been experiencing a new kind of human physical spacing. The other day I was picking up some groceries for a friend and the store was limited in terms of floor space and there was a handful of people shopping. Everything felt uncomfortable and you could feel people’s thinking process - I do not want to be too close to people but there is no room not to; it was awkward and weird.

So much of what we are experiencing is awkward and weird. And in the midst of these disjointed spaces and places that we find ourselves there is still God, who has not become removed or replaced but is near. When others can feel very far away at the moment it is important to remember that God can, and does, surround you and is with you.

There have been different descriptions from world leaders and individuals in how Coronavirus is named; the invisible killer, the unseen enemy and others. Yet, there is another that is often described as invisible and unseen but changes and influences that which is visible and seen - the living God.

The other side of this season in which we find ourselves is as unknown of what the next few days may bring to a way of life but I hope and pray that we will see a new way of being neighbours, a fairer and more caring society, a system or model or framework that has learnt from this for the good, for the better. Far too early to know and, perhaps, far too early to say. Maybe I think about the time post-this! because it helps to work through where we are and how best to care and support others. I do not know but I want to be changed by this in a way that I become more like the person God calls me to be. I pray this for each of us.

I do not know the effect on our environment being pushed to provide the energy for such a significant movement of people, meetings, organisations, businesses and churches operating online - I hope it is less than the more that is being achieved by the significant less amount of travel impact on the climate. Again, I hope the learning from this will be positive in the future for our world. On the other side, it has been, and will continue to be, am incredible blessing to be able to meet and pray with people, see family and friends, and share messages and images of hope and humour in connecting us together.

I have found my emotions a bit up and down and all around. Because of this I have needed to find moments to let them have their place and, at the same time, invite God into the space. A short poem came to my mind which I share.

Where to begin?
When it has no ending.

I bought a picture frame to resize a stretched image.
An image with everything:
Shadows and lights emeshed
Cities and wildernesses unified
Tears dripping and love ripping
A picture of hope
With possibilities for a present reality.

Where to go?
When no isolated path can be found.

We can be strong.
We can breathe while we reframe our pictures.
While we search for the great Alleluia in the midst of this.
We can be
We can.

Turn swiftly, with all your heart, to God and be embraced. It is in Christ where community can be found, where disconnected parts exiled from each other can collide back together both beyond and within time and space.

‘We break this bread to share in the body of Christ.
Though we are many, we are one body, because we all share in one bread.’

Love & Prayers, Lee