Welcome to Saint Stephen's City church Bristol

Saint Stephen’s is an ancient church at the heart of Bristol's Old City. It aspires to be a community which gathers people together; a place for those with faith, those searching and those with none. ‘Reconnecting us to God and Connecting others to God'.

Some of the links on this page will take you to our sister church Holy Trinity Hotwells’ website.

21 St Stephen’s Street, Bristol, BS1 1EQ - 0117 922 5267 - info@saint-stephens.com

WORSHIP gatherings

Sunday Worship

  • Saint Stephen’s at 5, every Sunday. Refreshments served from 4:45pm in the cafe.

  • 10:30am at Holy Trinity, every Sunday. Refreshments served afterwards.


  • Mondays at 9am at Holy Trinity - Morning Prayer using the Common Worship liturgy & lectionary readings for the day.

  • Thursdays at 9am at Saint Stephen’s - Morning Prayer using the Common Worship liturgy & lectionary readings for the day.

  • Thursday at 12:30pm at Saint Stephen’s - Lunchtime Eucharist.

Online Gatherings

If you are unable to join us in person or are curious to find out more before visiting please join us online by clicking here: Live-stream from Holy Trinity - Sundays at 10:30am

Other Gatherings

For our other regular gatherings please click the links or use the calendar below to find out more details:


Closing out the Lunchtime Live January program will be Kathy Clarke and Emily Winter (both saxophone) on Mon 27th. Emily and Kathy met at Manchester University in 2016 while studying music and have enjoyed playing together since. They enjoy exploring exciting new repertoire and revitalizing the classics. We head straight  into the February line-up with Rob Lear Band on Mon Feb 3rd. Blending elements of
beautiful vocal harmonies and a wide range of instruments which include Accordion, Mandolin, Violin and Djembe, their songs draw on memories, experiences and coming- of-age tales of growing up in a small mining village tucked away in the Welsh valleys. Click here for the full February program.

Staying Connected


Reconciliation Lab - Assisted Dying

Thursday 13th March, 7.30pm

Were you moved by the recent debate in Parliament around Assisted Dying? Do you have an experience to share? Are you open to hearing a perspective different to your own? If so please come to a Reconciliation Laboratory at Saint Stephen's cafe, a facilitated space for the telling and hearing of our experiences. 

Bring passion, anguish, curiosity or eagerness to share a story.  We ask for a willingness to hear about experiences or views that are different to your own. 

For more information and to RSVP, please click here.

Bristol Harbourside Churches warmly welcome same-sex couples to come and celebrate their relationships with prayers for God’s blessing, using the newly-commended Prayers of Love and Faith. Please get in touch for more information.


Welcome Network

Saint Stephen’s is part of the Welcome Network.

Eco Church Bronze Award

Saint Stephen's has been awarded a Bronze award assessed against the A Rocha Eco Church scheme which offers an assessment of what we do as a church towards being sustainable and environmentally conscious. Exciting as it is to have the work that is in place acknowledged, the scheme also indicates what else we can do, and we will be working towards being an even more responsible and engaged community in this area during 2022.

Contact Us


A listening service offering 30-minute one-to-one meetings over the telephone or in a video conference

A listening service offering 30-minute one-to-one meetings over the telephone or in a video conference